In April 2022 we took part in a music course for bassoon and bass clarinet players. This must have been made for us - how many other bassoon- and bass clarinet-playing couples do you know?!?!
We felt like a couple of intruders at first. Everyone else seemed to be so incredibly talented and many of the participants were actually music teachers themselves! But right from the start we were made to feel so welcome and "part of the family". Playing music together with others is one of the most fulfilling things you can do in life and this was one of the highlights of our musical journeys.
The course was taught by Sarah Watts, Anthea Wood and Antony Clare, and was held on the stunning remote island of Raasay, tucked next to Skye.
During the first half of 2022 we had all but forgotten about the cancer. Just some innocent little pills to take - a "maintenance drug" - and for the rest we lived life as normal, both feeling in good spirits. Even so, just making it to the course at all had been something very special, emotionally charged. Anthea, Ness's bassoon teacher on the course, was a sympathetic ear and helped Ness to cope with these mixed emotions. We had booked our places on the course many months earlier, not knowing how things would be for us by the time of the course, and it all worked out beautifully. At the end of the week we played a final course concert. This week will always be with us as a very special memory, happy days playing music and making friends.
A recording of the final course concert, Raasay, 15th April 2022:
Here is a picture of the happy bassoon group.